
No Compromises, Proactive Security

No Compromises, Proactive Security

Forty-seven percent of all new operating systems in mobile devices are Android. Android is also the most open platform out there: popular with users, but a nightmare for IT departments wanting to protect their company applications and data accessible by devices. What happens when you throw the on-fire Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) market into the mix?

Cellrox is delivering up what’s to come in the next generation of technology that enables employees and corporations to securely share a single fully functional mobile device. We focus on proactive security and application transparency in a single swipe – one phone, two or more personas...

The Bare Necessities of Successful BYOD

One of the biggest challenges for the IT department of many modern offices is the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) culture of the modern worker. Gone are the days of the standard-issue desktop PC. Now, enterprises must adapt to a constantly evolving slew of new devices and keep all of them securely and consistently connected, even while these devices blur the line between "work machine" and "personal machine"...

Welcoming The Modern Worker

Welcoming The Modern Worker

People are more savvy about their devices, and don't want to part with their personalized smartphones or tablets. As the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) culture is increasingly becoming an accepted practice for both small businesses and enterprises alike, businesses need to adapt to a variety of devices to keep their workers connected when they are in the office, at home, or on the road. However, this presents a serious problem for employers who need to protect company information and still give employees the convenience of their own devices...